Welcome to Battlezone Miniatures

Coat d'arms Paints

As of 1st July 2024, Battlezone Miniatures are the new owners of the coat d'arms paint range taking over from Mike Lewis of Black Hat Miniatures when he retired. For trade enquires please contact admin@battlezone-miniatures.co.uk.

The heavies are here!

T-28, T35 KV1 & KV2 tanks

In 1941 the soviet heavy tanks were the most powerful tanks any army processed though the T28 and T35 were poorly armoured the KV’s were awesome and only the German 88mm guns could knock them out.

We are pleased to bring our new models of these famous tanks to our website, each model is made using our “Supercast” technology featuring one piece resin hulls and tracks complete with resin turrets these heavyweight monster are surprisingly lightweight and robust for the handling that wargames require.

The T35 might have been a 45 Ton monster but our model weighs only 110grams complete.

2025 Shows

We will be attending the following shows in 2025.

Preorders will be available through our website before each show Please remeber that we no longer take our full range of movement trays to shows, but they are available to pre-order and collect on the day.